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Вторник, 14 Апреля 2015 17:47

"Domestic and wild animals", "Домашние и дикие животные"

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                        Technological card of the theme “Animals” of English                                                                                                                                               

Технологическая карта организованной учебной деятельности по английскому языку для старшей группы (5-6 лет)

Образовательная область: Communication

Раздел: English



Тема: Domestic and wild animals

Цель: The  formation of communicative skills and habits. To repeat new lexical combinations: a cat, a dog, a horse, a cow, a camel, a sheep. To develop skills of listening and speaking, asking and answering questions-What is it?  To develop the interest of studying English.  

 Этапы деятельности

 Действия педагога

Действия детей


1.Enters the hall with kids

2.Greeting kids

3.Teacher repeats a poem:

Good morning! Good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning! Good morning!

I’m glad to see you!        

1.Greeting a teacher

2.Repeat after a teacher, pronouncing in right way 


1. A teacher introduces Mr. Brendon.

2. Mr. Brendon (a producer of a channel “Animal Planet”) enters and speaks about himself.

3.Teacher asks questions (working with flipcharts):

-What is it?     

-It’s a zebra.

-What is it?

-It’s a lion.

4.Teacher shows the flipchart with the sounds of animals    

5. Warming –up.

Mr. Brendon presents a song with Matt.

-I wake up.

-I wash my face.

-I brush my teeth.

-I comb my hair.

-I eat breakfast.

-I go to school.

6. Teacher repeats colours.

7.Teacher asks questions, describing animals:

-It’s a tiger. It’s wild. It’s big. It’s brown and orange.

8.Teacher offers kids sing a song “Bingo”

1.Children greet Mr. Brendon

2.Children answer guest’s questions


3. Answer the questions.






4. Children match sounds with pictures.

5.Children sing a song



6.Children answer questions

7.Describing  animals




8.Children sing a song


Analyzing all information

Say “Goodbye” to everybody


Ожидаемый результат

Знать: how to ask the question  “What is it?” and answer the question

Иметь: knowledge about animals in English

Уметь: pronounce sounds in right way, asking question.    




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